Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back in Canada! (by: Alyssa)

Hey ya'll! :)

Just letting ya know that we are officially back in Canada! We landed in the Toronto Airport today at 12:30 Canadian time, which was actually 7:30 pm Ugandan time. It was soooo weird to gain 7 hours of time! I am still confused as to how that all works! Right now, it's 8:30 Canadian time, which is 3:30 am Ugandan time! So, i will definitely be heading to bed soon as I am pretty tired! I am staying in hotel tonight with my family and we will be driving back to Ottawa tomorrow morning.

Much love!! <3

Friday, June 11, 2010

Saying goodbye is never any easy thing to do (by: Emily)

Today is the day Alyssa and I have to say goodbye to all of the children and get all packed up to go back to Canada. Our plane takes off at 10:40pm today, and we're getting back to Canada at 12:30pm Sunday! We're going back in time 7 hours, so that will be kind of fun! I'm getting very excited for the plane ride...I actually have been all week! I'm not excited because I really want to go home or anything like that...because I will be sad to leave...but I'm excited because 1) planes are just really fun and 2) I'll have a LOT of time to think, journal, and just try to start processing what happened the last month of my life! It will take us hopefully only a few hours to get to the airport, then we have 16 hours in the air and a 5 hour layover in Belgium. We're not leaving for the airport until 2:30pm today, so I will have time to get my things organized and all packed up.

So much has happened here and my eyes have been opened to things I've never ever thought of before. God has taught me so much, and I know I'm still learning more and more through it all. Coming to Africa has been the best thing I've ever done. Not because I'm a great person and I made a drastic impact in people's lives, but rather because these people impacted me and changed my heart more than I ever would've thought. I knew that coming here was going to be amazing, but I never dreamed it would've been this great. God is so good, and I'm so thankful for this experience.

Oh, and just a quick sidenote for Greenwood and all who gave us support/prayer for the trip:
What you have given has really helped these people and these children, more than we can explain on this blog. We will definitely talk about it when we're back, but for now, just know that whatever you gave significantly changed someone's life. Heather and Ray Peake, we are SO thankful for all the help you gave for getting donations for the orphanage and all of your support and advice!

In awe...thankful...excited...content...
p.s. I can't wait to see y'all soon! Especially my little sis, Becca! I love you SO much! To everyone who has supported me over this trip and sent encouraging messages or chatted with my online or taken a second to pray....I'm so thankful for all of you! Each time I got a message from you I got really excited and I've felt so loved and encouraged by you all over the last month. I love you and I'm so thankful for all of you amazing people in my life!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More about yesterday :) (by: Alyssa)


Well, as Em said, today is our last official full day here at Amani. I can't quite believe it - our time has really flown by!

Thanks Emmy for writing such a beautiful blog about our African family :) It really captures the love that was felt yesterday while we visited them on their front porch. I definitely agree that getting to know them was one of my highlights of the trip. It really made me smile when they told us that if we ever come back to Uganda (and they reallly want us to!), we shouldn't stay at Amani, but we should stay with them! haha, they are so great.
One thing that came to mind and really struck me when we were visiting with that family was the fact that Canada is so financially rich, but Uganda is so rich in every other way. And really, when it comes down to it, this trip has made me realize that financial richness is so much less significant. Uganda is culturally rich, with dancing and singing all the time, so spiritually rich (they really trust God to provide for their needs, and he is so much a part of their every day life. Even the craft stores here all have Christian titles, like "Faith and Crafts" and "God is my Companion Craft Store) and even the colours of the landscape are richer! I'm convinced that the sky is never this blue and the trees are never this green in Canada. Everything is so much more beautiful here - even the people, as Em and I were discussing yesterday. Like the women here have flawless skin, and don't even grow hair on their legs! haha! Plus, they can pull of the "bald look" better than any caucasian person I've ever met! :)

Last night tucking the girls in was really special. I love helping to put their diapers on, and finding little outfits for them to sleep in. Although they tend to go a little wild at night, they are so precious. Last night, one of the older girls, F, was singing to herself, so I started singing along with her, and it was the song "Every Move I Make (Waves of Mercy, Waves of Grace)". I have no idea how she knew that song, but it was so cute to hear her sing it, as she kind of "modified" the words when she didn't know all of them.

Well, I've gotta go for my last day of preschool! :)
Much love, see ya'll soon!

African Family (by: Emily)

It's my final FULL day here at Amani Baby Cottage. So much has happened in these last few weeks...more than can be expressed in a blog like this. Precious moments may have been highlighed, but things that I've learned (like JOY...) are so close to my heart I can't really express them in words here.

One heart melting moment was yesterday when we said goodbye to our African mother and family. I've come to love how welcoming and hospitable these people are. Even though we haven't known this family too long, ever since our first meeting, we loved them...they're our brothers and sisters in Christ! Saying goodbye to them was no easy thing to do. We were there for a couple hours and our African mother made us some casava (it's a root that is boiled with a LOT of salt) and African tea. She gave us so much casava that we actually couldn't finish it all, and I am not a big tea person, so my kind-hearted sister Alyssa drank what I couldn't finish. I noticed that when we got there she got a big mat for us to sit on and she brought out her best dishes for us to use even when she was using something that wasn't so nice to eat hers from. We were given the best and they just showered us with love, which was what we were trying to do to them! There was a whole lot of love in that place yesterday! We met a couple of our brothers that we did not get to meet until then...Herman and Becca (yep...that's his name!) We even went through a whole photo album of their life and got to hear lots of wonderful stories about their family (and well...ours too!) Before we left, Becca (the brother) asked to pray for us and we all held hands and it was just so beautiful. Then Alyssa prayed for them, and it was such a loving family moment that I will forever cherish. We took pictures with our African family and there were many hugs given and words of love exchanged. They really want us to come visit again, but next time they want to open their home to us instead of us staying at Amani. They are such kind-hearted, loving, hospitable, joyful people....Alyssa and I both agree that meeting them was one of the best parts of the trip. I'm going to miss my African mother and sisters and brothers.

We put the kids to bed last night...I was getting the little boys all tucked in with a bedtime story and then we prayed together again. One thing that was really precious was being in the girls room after the boys were tucked in (the girls always seem to take a bit longer...maybe they're a tad crazier at bedtime..haha..that's why I like the boys...). I started singing "Jesus Loves Me" and the whole room went quiet and the girls started to sing along. I put all of their names in the part that goes "Yes Jesus loves ___, Yes Jesus loves____...." and on and on...they loved it a lot! When we just turned the lights off and the girls were going crazy, I started to sing the song again and the girls went quiet. It was just one of those heart melting precious moments that I'm not going to forget!

Much Love,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Heart Melter Moments with Mama Kathryn and Prayer Time with the Kids! (by: Emily)

Yesterday evening I was outside playing a little guitar when mama Kathryn heard me and starting dancing and laughing. I thought that was so sweet. When I came inside later she asked me if I would sing a song for her. I got out the guitar once again and played a couple of songs. I was very surprised she knew both of them! She says she LOVES the music and just hearing music makes her sleep well at night. We talked about how music is such a part of the culture here, even the kids love the music at such a young age! It's beeeauitful! I love the music and the dancing so much! After I played for mama Kathryn, I went to put the guitar away and she gave me a huge hug and said "I love you". That's another precious moment that I never want to forget. It just felt so special, I really love her a lot! We had a good chat awhile ago about life and her childhood and everything...I have learned so much about this amazing JOYFUL woman! She is one of the woman here I look to for encouragement because her JOY gets me so excited all the time!

I also had a precious moment when tucking the little boys into bed last night. Once again, the one little boy (sorry...I can't use their names on here!) asked me, "Auntie, can you pray?" So, all of the boys said "hands together, eyes closed" and we all prayed together before bed. I love the little boys here so much!!! Even when we went to town yesterday on our last outing and my little "sweetheart k" prayed for the food. I love when the children pray...they say something and then we repeat it..she said, "hands together...eyes closed...Dear Jesus, thank you for our cake, thank you for our soda, in Jesus Name, AMEN!!!!" And then, after amen, they always clap their hands and get excited! It's SO precious! I love to ask the little children to pray because their prayers are so genuine and just right to the point...but so precious because they mean it with their whole heart.

I'm excited for today! It's our day off and we're going to visit the family we met...our African mother! That's going to be a lot of fun!!!

One weird thing that happened...I woke up yesterday with these weird little bumps all over. Alyssa thinks it's some kind of rash, but Grace said that it might be fleas!!! I REALLY hope it's a rash and NOT fleas! Thank you Ruth-Ann for packing Alyssa with that cream for rashes, bites, and allergic reactions! It helps a LOT!

Thankful for a NEW day to LOVE!

Update from Moi! (by: Alyssa)


Em and I are once again at the internet cafe writing at the same time... :)

Today, an adoptive mom will be arriving to visit with her children and get some of the last paperwork done for the adoption. Two kids from Amani are getting adopted together and although they don't really understand what is going on, it is very exciting!! I keep thinking about how the lives of these two kids are going to be completely different so soon (obviously in a positive way!) and they have no idea what kind of changes they're in for. One of the kids knows a bit more of what's happening than the other and when you ask her who's coming today, she says "Mommy". So precious. Adopting is definitely something that's been on my heart during my time here. There are so many kids that I want to take home with me now! But unfortunately, it's not such an easy process. I don't know what God has for me and my future, but if the opportunity to adopt was possible and do-able, I can definitely see myself doing that at some point.

This morning was our second last day of preschool, and although it was chaotic, it went well overall. I am really trying to cherish these last few days. We took the preschoolers on a walk after snack and even though it's a short walk around the block, it's one of their favorite things to do. I love watching their expressions as they see different things along the way, like cows, goats, "ka-ka y cow" (cow poo) and cars. When they see a car, they always say in unison "Moto-car!"

I can't believe I'm in the last stretch of my time here at Amani. I have mixed feelings about leaving and I know I'm going to miss the kids a lot - just being able to hug and kiss them all the time, and hearing their sweet voices. I am also looking forward to going back to Canada though, and for Camp Iawah, which is where I'll be spending the rest of my summer. God has taught me a lot while I've been here, and I know that learning is a process... I am excited to see what else he'll teach me this summer through leading ILT at camp.

Today, we will go on our last outing with two of the older girls, which will be really fun as our last one. We will take them to "Ozzy's", like usual, which is our favorite place because it's so inexpensive, and the kids love it.

With MUCH Kwagala, (if that even makes sense, haha)

Sweetheart K (by: Emily)

Precious moment today- I held my little "Sweetheart k" in my arms today and I told her that I am leaving on Saturday. She looked at me with the most beautiful big brown eyes and loving smile and said "Auntie, I come too?" I tried to explain to her that Canada is very far away, but of course, my little sweetie didn't understand. I love her SO much! I've come to love so many of the children here, but of all the children I've held and loved, little "sweetheart k" is the girl I want to bring home! She melts my heart every time I look at her and I so badly wish I could bring her home. I know I can't though, and I'm just going to hope a loving family adopts her before she's too old to stay at Amani. She is such a heart melter! Alyssa and I are going on our last outing today, and we're allowed to take anyone we, I'm taking my little sweetie! Alyssa is taking my little girl's closest friend here and the four of us are going out for chocolate cake! Then, we're going to walk around town for a bit and just LOVE these little girls as much as we can before we have to bring them back.

I don't really feel like myself these days...I don't know what to think about leaving! I mean, I'm definitely sad...but it will be nice to go home. It's like I'm not super sad about leaving or super excited about going home, but rather I'm just content that I have another day here in this beautiful country! I am so thankful for the opportunity I've had to come here, and each day that I have left is going to be another day that I'll forever cherish. So, basically...I'm not sad...I'm not excited...I'm content with where I am right at this moment and so thankful that I have another day to love these little children and continue to learn what JOY really means. I just can't be sad when I know that wherever I go and whatever I do will be great because this real-deal JOY comes from Christ alone...this life I'm living is not for me, I'm living for Jesus Christ my Saviour and best friend. I just can't be sad....The JOY of the Lord is my strength!

Loving every moment and thankful for a new day!